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Beginners Guide to Chakras

  • 25 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Unblock your trauma and negative conditioning and unlock your full potential with this self-study Chakra Program This self-study program offers a comprehensive guide to the seven major chakras, including their purpose, primary concerns, and specific symptom signs. By gaining insight into your energetic makeup, you can alleviate emotional trauma and limiting beliefs caused by past experiences and conditioning, allowing you to unlock your true potential. This program offers a series of video lessons accompanied by worksheets to help you make the most out of your learning experience. Additionally, you will learn various aligning techniques to assist you on your inner healing journey by increasing your intuition and awareness of subtle energy. Participants are invited to join the private Facebook group Chakra Connections for accountability, support and extra chakra bonus material.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From £55.50/month
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